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welcome to budgie

a simple app to help you budget
source code
Welcome to Budgie

what can budgie do for you?

well, just a couple of things
exportable spreadsheets
Want to import your data into Excel or Google Sheets? We offer options to export your budgets either monthly or yearly.
privacy focused
Your privacy is important to us. We're not a black box, anyone can view the source code to verify what budgie does with your data. We do not collect personal data, except for your email address for user registration and your first name if you decide to provide it. We only use cookies for technical reasons, and not to track what you do on the site or any other.
simplified budgeting
Our mission is to make budgeting easy. That's why we categorize transactions into two distinct categories - income or expense. Additionally, you can group transactions into custom categories. Enter your pay schedule and we'll tell you how much you'll need for upcoming expenses.

have questions?

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